Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Linda Found Work!

Hello friends, family, and total strangers with nothing better to do than read the exploits of an unknown American family living in New Zealand.

I got a job! At least, I am "recommended for appointment" to the position of Research Analyst with NZ Police National Headquarters' Operational Services Group, in the Office of the Commissioner. They will publish this recommended appointment in their internal newsletter this week and, assuming no one appeals the appointment and wins, I will be starting work the week of November 5th!

The job will involve doing both quantitative and qualitative research and writing reports for use in policy-making decisions. The research topics will be varied, but will definitely include the analysis of police "use of force" incidents and making recommendations for changes to relevant policies, training and equipment.

I will have the independence and flexibility to structure my own day, and the constantly changing priorities and wide range of issues should keep me interested for quite some time. I am looking forward to sinking my teeth into the challenge.

We are still waiting to hear back on several jobs for Eric, but nothing has firmed up for him just yet. Your continuing prayers in that regard are appreciated.

In other news, Connor has been on school holiday this week and last; but, he starts back with the Fourth Quarter next Monday, the 8th of October. Unfortunately, much of these past two weeks we have had some unpleasant weather - rain, cold, strong winds, etc. This made for some cabin fever; but, you would be amazed at how much fun you can get out of a large cardboard box. We did have a few days here and there that were quite warm and sunny, so were weren't stuck inside the entire time. Still, we are really looking forward to the coming months - our first New Zealand Spring/Summer!

Last weekend we took the train down to the Wellington CBD (Central Business District) and walked along the Queens Wharf area, had lunch, and watched the big passenger ferry set out for the South Island, before we took the train back. I am including a couple of pictures of our outing; and, since so many people have nagged me about not ever posting a picture of myself, I am finally including one that Connor took of me. (He is 5 yrs old, so pardon the fact he cut a bit off the top of my head.)

Connor also went to a movie at a real theater for the first time ever! We took him to see "Surfs Up", about penguins surfing, because it was the only thing out at the moment that was "Rated G". Connor did quite well, sitting still and not talking for about an hour and a half. Even though I am not certain he grasped the entire story, he seemed to really enjoy the experience.

This coming Saturday Connor will be going to a friend's sixth birthday party. Samuel is a friend in his class who lives across the street from us. The two seem to have a real "love-hate" relationship, and frequently find themselves making poor decisions when in each other's company. But, we are trying to encourage Connor to remain friends with Samuel and recognize when their judgement starts to slip and correct their behavior.

Well, I think that covers the latest news. Our next goal, before I start work, is to get our NZ driver's licenses. We have to take a written test, but no practical driving test thank goodness. We are getting much more comfortable driving on the wrong side of the road, though I still say a couple of their right-of-way rules are counter-intuitive. Anyway, we bought the rule books and will be studying them and taking our tests later this month. Wish us luck!

Best wishes, Linda


Maridy Carpenter said...

Hi, Linda, "Dr. G", and Conner. Just wanted to pop my head out of cyberspace and say hi. I love hearing your stories and keeping up with your big move. Linda, I'm glad you found a job (hopefully) and Dr. G (even seven years after graduating, it's still normal to think of you that way:), I'm praying for you to find one soon, too. I'm happy to hear that Conner seems to have adjusted pretty well to your new life. Good luck on those driving tests. Keep us all informed. Love you all and miss you. Maridy, Joe, and Sara

David A said...

I think Conner did a fine job at taking a picture!!! Tell Eric I still remember his letters from Beamsville.... that should spark some conversations.